Register & Attend

Please bring a poster (and tell us)!

We will have a poster session at CANS 2024. Everyone, including paper authors and normal attendees, can bring an poster. Posters should be A1 size (or similar). If you would like to bring a poster, and we have not already suggested you bring one, we will undertake a quick review of your proposal, primarily to check fit with the conference research areas and make sure we have enough space.

To take part, please email us with either (i) a title and 100-word summary of the contents of your poster; or (ii) a PDF copy of your poster. Your poster will not be peer-reviewed or appear in the conference proceedings and therefore you are free to publish your work elsewhere. We welcome posters covering ideas at all stages of the research process: you can bring a poster on your emerging or early ideas; a poster which summarises the contents of a paper you’ve just had accepted or recently published; or retrospectives on work published some time ago. If you are presenting a paper, we encourage you to bring a poster on another topic or piece of work. The aim in all cases is to support discussions with others about research you are passionate about.

Please email us on or before 10th August to receive a response before the Early Bird registration deadline of 27th August. All requests to present posters should arrive on or before 15th September and will receive a response on or before 20th September.


Early Bird Standard Registration (ends 27 August)   £600

Standard Registration (from 28 August)   £695

Early Bird Student Registration (ends 27 August)   £440

Student Registration (from 28 August)   £495

Conference Dinner guest (1 extra guest per registration)     £75

Conference Reception guest (1 extra guest per registration)    free

Please register via the University of Cambridge eSales platform and, if you wish, book accommodation at Robinson College, the conference venue, with promo code 49328.

Book accommodation on site

Bed and breakfast accommodation is available at the conference venue at £90 per night, subject to availability. You should book directly with Robinson College using the promo code 49328. Note: we only have a limited number of rooms reserved at Robinson, and our exclusive reservation block expires on 1st September, so please book early to avoid disappointment.

Presentation requirements

As stated in the call for papers, at least one author of every accepted paper must register and pay the full registration fee (non-student) for the conference by the early registration deadline. Papers without a registered author will be removed from the sessions. Authors must present their own papers. Session proceedings, including all accepted papers, will be published in LNCS and will be available at the conference.

Visa letters

If you need a letter to support a visa application, please email Kata Szabo for assistance.